Customer Success Manager @Persado
Customer Service
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🇺🇸 USA Only
Job Type Full-time
Posted 6mths ago
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Customer Success Manager @Persado

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About The Company

Persado is reinventing digital marketing creative by applying mathematical certainty to the words we use in marketing communications. Words, after all, are the foundational DNA of marketing. By unlocking the power of words, companies win every digital marketing moment, experiencing dramatic new brand engagement and revenue performance across every channel.

In an era where marketing budgets have hit the wall and digital marketing creative is underperforming, Persado is empowering companies to break out of this “confidence crisis” by shifting digital creative from subjective “guesswork” to science. The Persado Message Generation Machine keeps companies from falling behind by using mathematical certainty to inform their brands and instill confidence they are making every word count, across each customer journey, and every channel.

Forward-thinking CMOs and marketing executives [from companies like Citi, Dell, Gap, Google, Vodafone] rely on Persado to continuously outperform by using words as a new source of value and differentiation, driving up to a 30 X ROI across all of digital marketing and multiplying the impact of existing investments.

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Customer Success Manager @Persado
Customer Service
Salary -
Remote Location
🇺🇸 USA Only
Job Type Full-time
Posted 6mths ago
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